explaining the role of advocacy of Iran in the strategic region of the Middle East and its consequences in the political-military future of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 urmia university

2 Member of faculty member of Department of Geography, Urmia University


The current research is aimed at explaining the role of advocacy of Iran in the strategic region of the Middle East and its consequences in the political-military future of Iran, which was determined by analytical-descriptive-dimensional method for better explanation of the research topic and analyzed in terms of qualitative and quantitative content analysis and for better analysis. Each dimension, along with the quantity of the relevant components, was a table of frequencies and charts or columns, and even a circular chart wa percentage.The-geopoliticaldimension:thecomponentof"supportfor neighboring governments" with a frequency of 27 percent, the military dimension: the component ofthe"important‌ target design (dominance and influence on the strategic regions of the Middle East) with a frequency of 48 percent, the economic dimension: the component" Resistance Front with Frequency 50 percent, and Social Dimension with" Shia Ideology Stabilization "with frequency of 52percent of the Output of the Combined Content Analysis Method and Analysis Sectionof Internal and External News Agencies, and the Frequencies and Percentages That Confirm This The components that were influenced by
other mponents were Excel soft ware.


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